DONORS -  for more info click here

We have set up a funding drive to cover the loss of cat food and income for labour due to the worldwide lockdown.  Please help if you can. 



South Africa enjoys seven species of indigenous wild cats. The big cats of Africa, like lions and cheetah, receive much focus and attention through tourism and the fact tha they are more easily sighted than their smaller cousins. The small cats form an essential link in our ecosystem, but desperately require the same status as the larger cats.

The Cat Conservation Trust is a non-profit trust that aims to create public awareness of the plight of the small cats through research and education.

We get very little funding - In addition to some funds from the National Lotteries Commission, our public awareness campaign is rarely sponsored and only in small amounts by the Feline Conservation Federation, Rare Species Fund, Honda, Karoo Taxidermy and Taxidermy Africa.



Cat Conservation Trust - Interesting Facts

Partially Funded By NLDTF

Visit the National Lotteries Board website to find out about other projects supported by the NLDTF


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